Sunday, July 14, 2013

Menopause: The New Platform for Celebrity and Self-Promotion ...

Post image for Menopause: The New Platform for Celebrity and Self-Promotion

I don?t know if you?ve noticed, but women have taken over social media.

It?s not surprising really, if you consider that Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google+, et al, are nothing more than electronic kitchen tables and back fences where women have always gathered.

Women are social creatures. ?We need emotional and psychological connection with other human beings. ?It?s how we roll.

But, I?ve noticed a real trend the past year or so in social media and women?s health issues, and it?s really starting to bother me. ?A lot. It?s bothering me because I?m concerned that the serious health issues of perimenopause and menopause, are getting lost amid all of the self-promotion, blogging circles, and social media mumbo-jumbo.

I?m going to be the first to admit: I?ve never cared for groups or clubs in general.

That?s because I?ve learned that in order to fit in you have to be good at group think (which I?m not) and you are required to engage in a certain amount of sucking up to the leader (which I won?t do) who inevitably rises to the top. ?With groups of women there are also ??special? challenges when you?re expected to follow the self-appointed-queen-bee-leader.


Don?t get me wrong. ?On the whole I think us women are pretty grand. I?m also glad that so many of us are out there ?getting it done? as it were. ?It?s just that I?m finding it harder and harder to navigate the swells of women who seem to be more interested in saturating the Internet with clubs of self-promotion, than actually providing something of real value to women suffering with perimenopause and menopause symptoms.

And make no mistake about it: ?I?m a capitalist all the way down to my toes. ?I don?t begrudge anybody the right to make money, build and promote a brand, or profit from their industrious efforts. ?I certainly do not blog or write for free ?and I sell blogging and advertising space here as well. ?I?m definitely not opposed to making money.

But when it?s done by using very serious health issues such as perimenopause and menopause as a platform to market yourself,?well, then I have a problem with it.

I can hardly imagine sitting in a medical office with a physician who spent the entire time promoting themselves or their ?brand.? ?I have no interest in putting my health in the hands of a social climbing celebrity. ?I want a healthcare professional.

Likewise, I don?t think the average woman is looking for a ?menopause personality? to follow either. ?They are looking for real answers to the very real symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. ?That?is my mission. ?Nothing more and nothing less.

And yes, I realize that I?m swimming upstream professionally by refusing to align myself with the sisterhood of celebrity menopause experts. ?But that?s okay. ?Fame, fans, and fawning adoration is not what gets me out of bed to do this everyday. ?I don?t need a camera, I?m not interested in platforms, and I don?t want a microphone.

I much prefer straight forward, sound information which has no strings attached. ?Because this blog isn?t about promoting me. ?It?s about helping?you.?


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