Friday, August 10, 2012

Natural Tea: Why You Should Drink Tea Regularly

The interest on organic and natural foods have slowly, but consistently, climbed up ever since the start of the new century. Food and drink items such as natural herb teas and natural herbal products have lead people to buy herbal extract and buy super foods online as well. These super foods in Canada, for example, have also become very popular that nowadays it is so easy to find organic, natural, and herbal products even at your local grocery or specialty store.

One of the simplest, yet most healthy super foods is the tea. Tea comes in many flavors and is highly regarded for its health benefits. Even if you are not much concerned about going deep into tea?s wonders, you can still enjoy the feel good sensations that a nice, warm cup of tea can bring. If you are not a fan of tea at all, here are some health facts that might just convince you to start drinking the herbal wonder today.

First, tea contains loads of antioxidants. These are what protect our bodies from the ravages of aging and the effects of pollution. Imagine the protective coating you brush on your furniture to prevent it from going dull or rusting. Well, tea has that ingredient that does the exact same effect on our body.

Second, regular intake of tea can reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke. All that fat from an unhealthy diet causes cholesterol to shoot up and may eventually lead to or cause a heart attack and stroke. When you drink tea, it helps keep your arteries smooth and clog-free, the same way a drain keeps your bathroom pipes clear. According to a 5.6-year study from the Netherlands, people who drank at least two to three cups of black tea daily found a 70 percent lower risk of fatal heart attack compared to non-tea drinkers.

Third, tea boosts your immune system. Besides making you feel relaxed, and have that overall feel-good sensation, tea helps our bodies develop a stronger immune defense against infection. It also contributes to a faster metabolism, which is a factor in weight loss. Since tea by itself is calorie-free, you can include this in your weight loss diet and be surprised how it aids you in digestion, and increases your metabolic rate. Green tea, for example, has been shown to actually increase metabolic rate so that you can burn 70 to 80 additional calories by drinking just five cups of green tea per day. Of course, do not expect to lose pounds by drinking tea alone. Doing a regular exercise routine or program and simply taking a 15-minute walk every day will also burn calories and help you lose weight.

Finally, tea helps us keep hydrated. Contrary to what was believed that caffeinated beverages, including tea, did not contribute to our daily fluid needs, research has shown that the caffeine really doesn?t matter ? tea and other caffeinated beverages definitely contribute to our fluid needs. The only time the caffeine becomes a problem as far as fluid is concerned is when you drink more than five or six cups of a caffeinated beverage at one time.

For more information, follow these links; bulk organic herbs, detoxifying herbs canada, apricot seeds Canada, or you can visit


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