I would go to the same workshops as these ladies.? We may not all need the exact same level of information, but I know that I could always use more as I'm probably not using my gadgets to their fullest.? Plus, I have a son who is very interested in computers (luckily my dh, and myself, to a degree, can help but he has mostly searched out the info on his own) but I am still limited and am his primary "teacher".
-creating documents for checklists (school & home)
-the whole high-school credit thing (what exactly does some of that look like?!)
*I know this is specific to CM but I'd like to know how to edit my dc's written narrations.? I can see where details? could have been added, verb tenses, misspellings, some punctuation, etc., but the paragraphs and flow of the narration still concerns me.? I would like to walk through the process of using a written narration to build better writing skills (I don't feel I'm doing this right now, I'm trying, but not sure it's correct or enough).
Obviously, I will not be making it to any of your workshops as I don't live anywhere near the east coast but maybe this could help someone else
Source: http://simplycharlottemason.com/scmforum/topic/workshop-on-technology-and-homeschooling
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